Environmental Justice
Collaborative Governance Committee
A Bit of Background
In November of 2018 Sacramento Mayor Steinberg and West Sacramento Mayor Cabaldon established the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) to develop a common vision and set of strategies for both Sacramento and West Sacramento to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, referred to as “Carbon Zero”, by 2045. In June 2020, the MCCC unanimously adopted its final report which included the following recommendation:
Establish an Environmental Justice Collaborative Governance Committee (EJCGC) facilitated by the cities but led by the community to support marginalized communities, particularly communities of color and youth, in owning and shaping environmental solutions.
The committee initially consisted of 16 community members that provide diverse representation of Sacramento in terms of age, race, gender, community representation, and lived personal and professional experience. The EJCGC is a community-based effort that is intended to inform and advise City efforts and build community capacity. Although initially supported with City funding, the EJCGC is a community-based initiative rather than a formal City committee appointed by Councilmembers. Starting in 2023 the EJCGC is shifting away from a committee structure (webinar format) and moving towards more open conversations (meeting format).
To clarify: The EJCGC has never been a government entity and is not part of the organization or structure of the City of Sacramento - it is not a City committee. We work collaboratively with City staff, when they attend EJCGC meetings it is in the role of guest speakers.